Today is the last of the firsts and the worst one yet.

I have survived Christmas, Easter, birthdays, and the scattering of Mum’s ashes but this one is a fucking doozy.

Exactly 12 months ago Mum died.

Grief is a cunt. It rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times, and then it lingers. Everything you thought you knew is shadowed with doubt. Your new best friend slowly burns your insides out until you can’t take it anymore.

I’m finding it incredibly hard to sit in my grief.

It feels dark—an overwhelming emptiness of black. It’s thick. It’s uncomfortable. It consumes me. That’s why it has taken so long to write this. When I post this, it’s the end.


Do I have months to tell you how I feel? To make you feel as loved, like the love I felt from you? How, despite everything, you are my hero, always my hero?

Dear dad,

Words cannot express how much pain and hardship I have endured because of you. Over the last 47 years, I have struggled with the so-called ‘legacy’ you have left.

I suffer from anxiety.

I have done so ever since I can remember. I was probably born with it because I don’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t feel anxious. In fact, I don’t remember a time when I didn’t question my right to be in this world.